From Scorching to Serene: Tension Sails Redefine the Miami Prologis Distribution Center
Tension sails have revolutionized the way we experience outdoor spaces. With their captivating fusion of artistry and functionality, these architectural fabric structures offer comfort, style, and a host of practical benefits. By utilizing the latest advancements in technology and material, we recently completed our largest project to date – and the largest tension sail project in the US in 2022!
Located just blocks from Miami International Airport, the Prologis Distribution Center serves as a vital hub for logistics and distribution driving economic impact worldwide. With the most extensive global portfolio of logistics real estate, Prologis understands its responsibility to be conscientious global citizens, so they reached out to us to create a shaded rooftop oasis at the Miami distribution center.
The Prologis Distribution Center is now a testament to ingenuity and innovation. The addition of 179 tension sails has not only improved the aesthetic appeal of the building but has also significantly enhanced its functionality. The once scorching rooftop, covering an impressive 201,000 square feet, is now blanketed with an intricate web of fabric. And the parking structure beneath the sails is now protected from the intense South Florida heat.
The key to the success of this project lies in the installation of the tension sails, which promote sustainability and eco-friendly practices. By creating vast expanses of shade and reducing heat absorption, the center’s energy consumption for cooling purposes will undoubtedly decrease, contributing to a more energy-efficient operation.
ShadeFLA’s successful completion of this project marks a significant milestone for both the company and the tension sail industry as a whole. Not only is it the largest tension sail project in the United States in 2022, but it also demonstrates the immense potential and versatility of tension sails as a shading solution for large-scale commercial properties.
Visit us online to explore tension sails and other shade solutions, or call us, DM us, or Facebook message us to discuss how we can collaborate to elevate your architectural projects.